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Harry Welling and the team of H&W Biogenics Ltd. is one of the leading independent Renewable Energy Consultancies, providing impartial, comprehensive and professional consulting services for the development and implementation on Biomass and Biogas Energy, as well as Waste to Energy and Waste Heat Recovery Heating or Heat and Power Cogeneration Plants in Canada and Europe, from the initial idea to the evaluation of the project’s feasibility, the feedstock requirements, the funding process and technology selection, right through to the energy distribution and contracting.
Our goal is, to assist our clients in making the idea of feasible and sustainable use of Bio-Energy a reality with Bio-Energy Concepts that focus on the vast opportunities of turning the largely available biomass resources into energy that benefits the people, their businesses and entire communities with numerous economic and environmental effects.

Project viability evaluations, to meet the specific demands in detailed consideration of the individual economical, technical, organisational, as well as environmental requirements.

Design and engineering approaches that meet the project scope and economic goals, but consider the individually prevailing project circumstances, including feedstock availability and operational requirements.

Consulting assistance with initiating, planning and implementation of the individual bio-energy project from day one, with focus on the goals, resources and schedule of each project.

Promoting and supporting the individual, as well as general development of bio-energy as a sustainable and viable energy alternative and/or addition.