Project Feasibility
From the initial discussions and individual project ideas, H&W Biogenics Ltd. offers to assist with the project development every step of the way, from emphasizing and communicating the detailed project requirements, by working with the client on project options and concepts, examining and evaluating these options and concepts, enabling a complete process pre-feasisibility, as well as comprehensive feasibility studies.
Sound project preparation, as well as system design and engineering backed by a broad range of experienced and renowned suppliers ensures practicable and cost effective solutions.
Our extensive database includes reliable current and historical cost data, which is widely used in preparing capital cost estimates at high levels of accuracy. Estimates are being prepared in reliable time frames to satisfy the client's requirements in the project decision making process at main board level.
In order to find the optimal project solution, our project assessments evaluate:
- Options and alternative solutions
- Preliminary scoping
- Economic feasibility
- Technical feasibility
- Operational & site feasibility
- Feedstock feasibility
- Possible technology providers
- Possible finacial concepts
Our project evaluations are individually laid out to meet our client's specific demands in detailed consideration of the individual technical, organizational, economical and ecological requirements. We assess the viability of each bio-energy project by providing an independant thorough analysis of the true business opportunity, including a look at the possible roadblocks and barriers to secure the project's success.