Vanderwell Contractors CHP
Vanderwell Contractors (1971) Ltd. operates a state of the art sawmill complex, where next to the traditional sawmill and planer mill operations Vanderwell makes every effort to utilize all of the forest resources by expanding its facility in order to also process value added products like wood chips, dry shavings and wood pellets.
After Biogenics had initially presented the opportunity to improve the general economics, as well as the carbon-footprint of the Vanderwell operation by introducing an alternative energy solution for the high and growing energy requirements, as well as an efficient and lucrative alternative to manage the low end residual wood wastes in a modern CHP plant, which was to replace the existing Beehive Burner, Vanderwell Contractors entrusted Biogenics with the evaluation and planning of the most feasible project solution.
Based on our assessment and project design, Vanderwell is currently building a modern biomass fired power plant, where the main system will be a Combined Heat & Power plant, with a Water Tube Boiler and a Condensing Steam-Turbine Generator Set. At a steam generation of 17 t/h the system will have a nominal generator power output of 3,800 kWelat full load.
The technical design of the power plant incorporates an extraction turbine, which allows power production with variable heat outputs. It enables a variable extraction of steam at an intermediate pressure and temperature level for heat/steam utilization, including the operation of indirect fired drying kilns.
This project will successfully turn a growing wood-waste liability into an additional revenue stream.